Rear Admiral (RAdm) (ret.) Joseph Sarkis currently a consultant at the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), an independent consultant with DTRA, and a guest contributor with the Middle East Institute (MEI). Retired from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) after 37-year career, he held a variety of command and staff positions, including most recently, Deputy Chief of Staff for Planning (DCoS-Planning) from August 2017 to December 2019.
In his role as LAF DCoS-Planning, RAdm. Sarkis was responsible for strategic planning, to include capability development, of human, material, financial resources, and versatile operational issues, to cover Maritime Security, Border Protection (Land and Sea) developing and establishing concepts, doctrine, and metrics to measure effectiveness. Led the strategic dialogue between LAF and the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon for the implementation of UNSCR 1701.
As a Navy Officer, he led successful joint efforts countering smuggling attempts, and facilitating emergency relief assistance, search and rescue and recovery at sea. He Commanded the Naval Task Group dedicated to the protection of the Arab League summit, and the Francophone summit in Beirut, and Negotiated arrangements with the United Nations Department of Peace Keeping Operations (UNDPKO) on the status and concept of operations for the Maritime Task Force-UNIFIL related to the implementation of the UNSCR 1701, in addition to the delimitation of Lebanon maritime boundaries, and drafting national laws related to sovereign maritime rights.He was honored with numerous National and international commendations and awards for outstanding leadership, academic achievements, and assigned professional duties.
Education: RAdm Sarkis is a graduate of the French Naval Academy in Brest, France, he completed his professional military education in the United States. A distinguish graduate in Military Strategy from the US Naval War College (NWC), Holds two master’s degrees: one of International Relations from Auburn University of Montgomery (AUM), with outstanding achievement, and the 2nd of Military Operational Art and Science, from Air University-Air Command & staff College, Maxwell Air force Base-USA.
Languages: Arabic, English, and French